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Welcare Summer Programme 2021

This August, with thanks to funding from Sherborne in the Community, Welcare ran its Summer Programme for children ages 6-13, at St John’s Community Centre in Inner London.

Attended by 16 local children, the week-long Programme included activities such as a DJ workshop, photography walk, arts & crafts, costume making, and keep on moving activities and games. Taking place during the school holidays, the Summer Programme was an opportunity for local children to socialise and engage in stimulating, active, and educational activities for free, in a supportive environment.

The younger participants enjoyed carnival mask decorating, followed by a fashion show, as well as volcano-making sessions. The sunny weather meant all could enjoy some outdoor activities in the nearby park with Personal Trainer Reco. Throughout the programme, the children were given encouragement and praised for difficulties they overcame as the week progressed.

The children particularly enjoyed their activities in the park with Reco, as well as the DJ workshop. One volunteer told us: “It is just lovely to see the staff and kids together again. The centre has felt so quiet and this week it’s been a hive of activity and inspiration again!”

“My favourite was the volcanoes” said one participant, aged 8. “It was really fun to decorate them and make them explode.”

Breakfasts were made by Welcare staff at the centre, and healthy lunches were provided by local cafe Maureen’s Meals, to keep everyone fuelled for the busy days.

We had some lovely feedback from parents of the children who attended:

“My daughter really looked forward to coming each day.”

“My grandson grew in confidence with support from the staff and made friends with the other children.”

“Wish the activities could be longer!”

See the slideshow below for more photos from the Summer Programme.

To find out more about the work we do, see Our Services. Or find out how you can donate today to help us keep supporting local children and families.

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