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Welcare’s Annual Meeting & Awards 2017

On Friday 29th September at Southwark Cathedral in London we held our Annual Meeting and Volunteer & Supporter Awards 2017. Following on from last year’s inaugural new style of annual meeting, this year’s event was a wonderful opportunity for trustees, staff, volunteers, funders, supporters and friends to reflect on about the achievements of the past year and what the coming year holds for Welcare. As always the focus was on our services and beneficiaries, the innovative ways we are meeting the needs of the communities in which we work, and celebrating the dedication of our volunteers and supporters enabling us to continue and expand our work.

Anna Khan, our CEO, gave an overview of the past year and outlined our ambitious plans for the future, while our new Chair of Trustees, Cherry Murdoch, spoke about the continuing need for a charity such as Welcare in the current climate, and how the charity has evolved and adapted to the needs of families since 1894. We were pleased to have a very informative talk by Bernadette Rhoden from the Race Equality Foundation about the theory and motivation behind the Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities parenting programme that Welcare is accredited to deliver. Two of our colleagues, Hannah Franklin (Child & Family Support Manager, Inner London) and Amy Mawby (Fundraising & Communications Manager), gave a presentation on Welcare’s first use of the participatory photography intervention method. Following training by award-winning charity PhotoVoice, Hannah and Amy, along with a family support worker and volunteer, delivered a pilot participatory photography course with a group of young people, and showed some of the work the young people had produced, including a digital story made by one of the participants.

We were so pleased to have The Bishop of Woolwich, The Rt Revd Bishop Karowei Dorgu, in attendance, speaking and handing out awards to our winning volunteers and supporters. As with last year, our Volunteer and Supporter Awards ceremony as part of the Annual Meeting is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the hard work and inspiring dedication of our dynamic volunteers and supporters, and the wider teams they represent. All enjoyed having a photograph with The Bishop, and were presented with framed certificates.

The winners of our Volunteer & Supporter Awards 2017 were:

Volunteer Impact Award (Service Users)
Winner – Lorelei Colbeck

Volunteer Impact Award (Organisation)
Winner – Olivia Johnson

Volunteer Outstanding Contribution Award
Winner – Justine Seguya

Volunteer Team Award
Winners – The East Surrey Team (Wendy Fry, Catherine Inglis, Olivia Johnson, Steve Munro, Pat Bowden, Val Thomson, Edna Toha, Jo Silcock & Adeline Elliot)

The Emily Bennett Outstanding Supporter Award
Winners – Revd Jean & Peter Griffiths

Suppoter Impact Award 
Winner – Susan Floyd

Supporter Outstanding Contribution Award
Winner – Gillian Scales

Supporter Team Award
Winner –
Property World

Congratulations to all the winners and to all the nominees. We are so grateful for everything that each one of our volunteers and supporters does to support Welcare’s service users, staff and each other. You are all an inspiration to us. Thank you!

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