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Alice and her two grandchildren, Michael, aged 12, and Henry, aged 7, were referred to Welcare by Henry’s primary school.
Boundaries & Behaviour / Emotional Wellbeing / Financial Support / Parenting Support
Mum, Steph, and her son, Liam, aged 6, were referred to Welcare by their local authority.
Boundaries & Behaviour / Domestic Abuse / Emotional Wellbeing / Parenting Support
A referral was made to Welcare by the local Early Help Service for support for Dylan and his mother, Melissa, who has a diagnosis of anxiety and depression. School reported ongoing concerns in relation to Dylan’s punctuality and attendance and it had been suggested that this was related to Melissa’s mental health impacting her ability to manage the morning routine.
Emotional Wellbeing / Financial Support / Parenting Support / The Wave Project
The court had concluded that there was a history of domestic abuse from Anthony towards his children’s mother and Anthony needed support around parenting, understanding the impact of the historical abuse, and improving his co-parenting relationship.
Caring Dads / Domestic Abuse / Father Group / Parenting Support
Temi (9yrs) was referred to Welcare’s #CapeAbility programme by his schools SENCo. Temi had recently experienced difficulties maintaining friendships and became involved in altercations after comments were made about his family. He displayed low self-esteem, particularly around learning and lacked motivation and engagement when he felt he couldn’t complete the learning task.
#CapeAbility / Emotional Wellbeing
Mum, Zoya, and her daughter, Agata, aged 4, were referred to Welcare by her Agata’s nursery school.
EHCP / Families in Crisis / Parenting Support / SEND
Kim and her three children, Leo (aged 13), Sophie (aged 9), and Mason (aged 5) were referred to Welcare by their Local Authority following 18 months of domestic abuse from the children's father to Kim.
Domestic Abuse / Emotional Wellbeing
Farah, her husband Amir, and their two sons Zain (aged 6) and Jamal (aged 5) were referred to Welcare by local Children’s Disability Service to help Farah who was feeling overwhelmed and struggling to manage the family’s debt.
Emotional Wellbeing / Financial Support
Isabel, aged 9, and her sister Grace, aged 8, were both referred to Welcare’s pilot school group programme by the school pastoral team. There was a history of domestic violence and parental conflict, and they were each struggling to recover from the trauma in different ways.
Domestic Abuse / Emotional Wellbeing
Following a recommendation from the Family Courts, Mark referred himself to the Welcare Caring Dads programme because he wanted to learn more about abuse, abusive relationships and how to address issues in relationships, as well as get support to improve his relationship with his children and enable him to become a better father.
Caring Dads / Domestic Abuse / Father Group / Parenting Support
The family were referred to Welcare by school as parents were struggling to manage the behaviour of Erin (8) and Tom (5) and this was having a significant impact on the whole family.
Nicole and her daughter Chloe were referred by Lambeth Children’s Social Care due to multiple complexities around communication, Chloe’s physical and emotional wellbeing, and Nicole struggling to navigate parenting of Chloe after multiple breakdowns in their relationship.
Emotional Wellbeing / Financial Support / Parenting Support
Amy and 7 of her 8 children, aged between 1 – 16, were referred to Welcare due to complex housing and financial challenges and Amy’s difficulty establishing boundaries and routines at home.
Financial Support / Housing
Yvonne was living with extended family in a two bedroom flat – this meant that 4 children and 4 adults were vying for space and attention. With no outdoor space and two of the children sharing a bed there was constant chaos, little structure and increasingly aggressive behaviour.
Boundaries & Behaviour / Emotional Wellbeing / Financial Support / Housing / Parenting Support
Samuel, a single father, came to Welcare when he was struggling financially just before Christmas. We were able to help with food and heating costs, and enable Sam and his children to have a proper family Christmas.
Financial Support
Louise and daughter Ada* were recommended to Welcare by a play therapist in Ada’s school. 5-year-old Ada’s father had been violent and emotionally abusive towards Louise, and antagonism between the two was affecting Ada.
Financial Support / MySpace
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