Across our centres Lent Lunches were held by staff and supporters to raise money and awareness for Welcare’s work.
At East Surrey a very successful Lent Lunch was held, serving delicious soups and bread, with a reflection on biblical scenes in the garden, which linked to the current garden development taking place at Welcare House in Redhill, with our prayer being that this garden provides a place of joy and growth to the families we serve. Representatives from seven churches attended and donations of over £220 were received. Volunteers at our Bromley centre, supported by St Andrew’s, Orpington, held a lunch on 11th March that was attended by 43 people and raised £412. Our Greenwich Friends held a series on lunches over Lent with a number of attendees that raised over £400. At our Inner London centre office we held a Lent Lunch to share with new local contacts the work that has been started over the past 12 months since the opening of the service. We were really pleased to have the Southwark Diocese Finance Director in attendance, along with a representative from the London Catalyst Fund, one of Welcare’s key trust funders.
Updates on local work in the areas and centres were Welcare works were given at each event and they were a great opportunity for social connections and local networks to be reinforced and new contacts made. Thank you to everyone who helped organise, hold, support and attend the Lent Lunches this year – thank you to all for all your hardwork! It has been a fantastic lead in to the Easter break and we look forward to holding some more fun and delicious Lent Lunches in 2018!